United Airlines Departure and Arrival Times:
Please note - the flight times have changed
Outbound - Monday Oct 6th
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Gather at 181 Lincoln Place
Gather at 10:45 AM. Bus leaves at 11:15 AM.
Flight # UA745 LaGuardia - Denver, CO
Departs LGA at 3:14 PM arrive in Denver 5:40 PM
Flight # UA434 Denver, CO - Jackson Hole, WY
Departs 6:45 PM arrive in Jackson 8:09 PM
Return - Friday, October 10th
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Flight # UA797 Jackson Hole - Denver, CO
Departs Jackson Hole 1:13 PM arrive Denver 2:35 PM
Flight # UA1070 Denver, CO - LaGuardia
Departs Denver 5:30 PM arrive at LaGuardia at 11:16 PM
Arrival at 181 Lincoln Place
Approximately 12:35 AM
Transportation between Berkeley Carroll and LaGuardia will be by charter bus. Transportation between Jackson Hole, WY airport and the Teton Science School (TSS) Jackson campus will be by TSS vans. (35 minute journey)
Emergency Contact Information:
In the event of a true emergency contact:
Teton Science School at 307.734.3715
or contact Judi O’Brien, Middle School Dean of Students. You may reach her at jobrien@berkeleycarroll.org or (718) 534-6535, ext. 6561.