Thursday, October 9, 2014

Coyotes spend the day on the challenge course then practice       Stewardship and end of trip clean-up.

                                        Our guides for the day were Kelsie and Laura

The coyotes spent the chilly morning in the shade of the neighboring mountains participating in several challenge exercises such as trust falls and a teeter tooter board called the Whale Watcher.

This was followed by lunch and then a short van ride to The Teton Research Institute where we met our guide Annie. She explained to us that we would be practicing "Stewardship" by way of blazing a new trail up the side of a mountain.

On our way a random bone was spotted and the group took turns suggesting what animal it might have belonged to.

Trail blazing is both fun and arduous work as the pack made it's way through sage brush and around dead tree limbs and fox holes.

Finally we reached the top where we hydrated and took the mandatory group shot and began our decent.

Being that today is our last day of activities the Coyotes clean out the vans and washed out the Hoorahs.

Tonight there will be dinner then some Night Hikes.

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